Author Archive: MichaelG
Pennsylvania Last Will and Testament Form
The Pennsylvania Last Will and Testament is a legal document that is to be prepared by a person also referred to as the Testator, to set fourth their estate, providing instructions with regard to how they wish their estate would be disposed of and to whom. The Testator may select and appoint their executor in this form, […]
Pennsylvania Living Will Form
The Pennsylvania living will is a legal document that must be completed by a person (Principal) who is interested in arranging their medical choices in advance in the event they face an end-of-life scenario. The wishes of the Principal would be legally protected with the presentation of this document, if necessary. The Principal may name their health […]
Rhode Island Last Will and Testament Form
The Rhode Island last will and testament is a document that would be utilized by an individual (Testator) who would like to make advanced preparations, while they are of sound mind, as to how they would choose to divide their estate among their chosen beneficiaries, after the Testator’s death. Should the Testator choose, they may appoint an […]
Rhode Island Living Will Form
The Rhode Island living will is a legal document (also known as an advance directive) that is used for the purpose of establishing the wishes of the Principal with regard to their selection of end of life medical care. The Rhode Island “living will” form, although brief, specifies the desire to withhold treatment in the event that […]
South Carolina Last Will and Testament Form
The South Carolina last will and testament is a legal document that is prepared by a “Testator” to prepare for the distribution of their estate. The document will allow the Testator to name an executor to divide the estate after the testator’s death. The form will allow the Testator to also name all of their beneficiaries and […]
South Carolina Living Will Form
The South Carolina living will is a legal document (also called an “Advance Directive”) that would be utilized by a person (Principal) who would like to prepare in advance, in the event of any scenario that may leave the Principal with the inability to communicate their wishes for health care. The Principal will have legally recorded how […]
South Dakota Last Will and Testament Form
The South Dakota last will and testament is a legal document (standard will) that is provided that will allow anyone of age (testator) to complete a written outline as a record of their wishes with regard to their estate. The estate may include personal property, financial accounts, and real property. The document will allow an executor (representative) to distribute […]
South Dakota Living Will Form
The South Dakota living will is a legal document that would be completed by any person (Principal) in the event that the Principal may be placed in a position that may leave the Principal unable to communicate their wishes for their personal health care. With this form, they will have legally recorded how the Principal would like […]
Tennessee Advance Health Care Directive (Living Will) Form
The Tennessee advance health care directive(living will) is a legal document that protects the rights of any person (Principal) to have all life-sustaining medical treatment withdrawn so that they may die naturally, should the Principal become unable to make or communicate any choices pertaining to their personal medical treatment selections. This document must be read, completed and […]
Tennessee Last Will and Testament Form
The Tennessee last will and testament is a legal document that is designed to guide an individual when they are preparing to organize their end of life arrangements for their estate. The Testator would have the ability to prepare the distribution of their financial accounts, real estate and/or personal property. With this document, the individual Testator would have […]