Iowa Will Forms | Last Will and Testament | Living Will

Georgia will forms are legal documents that will allow an individual to create a document that will provide the ability to set fourth a Testaor’s decisions with regard to how they would like to distribute their estate to their chosen beneficiaries after their death. As well they will have access to a document that will provide the ability to state clearly, how they would wish their medical providers to implement their medical treatment once the Principal is no longer able to speak on their own behalf with regard to their medical options. Both documents will allow a section whereas the individual may delegate powers to a trusted executor (estate) and/or a health care agent (medical) when their assistance is required.

Iowa Last Will and Testament Form

Iowa Last Will and Testament Form

An Iowa last will and testament is a legal document provided so that a testator/declarant may design a document that will specify their instructions with regard to how they would like their entire estate to be distributed among their beneficiaries. This document will provide guidance for the Declarant, in the statement of distribution. The document will […]

Iowa Living Will Form

Iowa Living Will Form

The Iowa living will is a legal a document that will provide a declarant an opportunity to provide their own specific instructions with regard to how they wish to have medical staff implement their care in an end of life situation, when there are few viable options and they are in the end stages of their life. Once […]

Last Will and Testament VS Living Will

Last Will and Testament –  This is a standard will document made available so that an individual may complete the document which will, in turn, create a legal and written record that will provide exact instructions reflectin how they would choose to distribute their property (ie: financial accounts, real estate, personal property) to their selected beneficiaries, after death. The document will allow the testator to delegate an executor to ensure that the instructions contained within the document are properly and respectfully distributed as stated in writing by the testator.

Living Will – Is sometimes referred to as an “Advanced Directive.” The document is designed to provide guidance to the Principal so that they may easily move through the process of creating a document, that will direct their health care providers with regard to their final choices in the event they are no longer able to communicate their health care decisions. This document will allow the Principal to select and appoint an Health Care Representative/agent, to oversee the instructions contained within the document. This should provide a sense of ease for the representative and other family members while assisting in the progressive health care decision making process, ensuring that the Principal’s choices are honored as closely as possible to their written instructions. As long as the Principal is of sound mind, they should feel free to change or revoke the document should they, at any time feel it to be necessary.